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A green ship crafted from plants, symbolizing our sustainable desiccant solutions and commitment to a greener planet.

About Environmental Desiccants

Founded in 2023, Environmental Desiccants is the brainchild of the industrious and forward-thinking entrepreneur: Joseph Lockhart. Being an entrepreneur, Joseph also manages his reputable janitorial and facilities management business: JDM Janitorial.


During his tenure at JDM Janitorial, Joseph recognized a distressing trend around the substantial disposal of desiccants that significantly contribute to the Earth’s escalating carbon footprint. 


Fuelled by a commitment to fostering sustainability and a green revolution, he used his problem-solving nature to ingeniously develop a proprietary process that reconditions calcium chloride desiccants. While this gives the dessicants a chance at second use, it also cuts down on waste sent to landfills and reduces pollution in our oceans with plastics derived from their packaging.


Situated in the heart of Texas, Environmental Dessicants boasts a state-of-the-art facility that stands as a beacon of innovation and reconditions used desiccants for a renewed cycle of utilization. Not only does Environmental Desiccants assuage the burden on our planet, but it also offers a cost-effective solution to its clientele.


Join us in this monumental journey as we redefine Shipping standards and carve a new path characterized by sustainability and economic savings.

Revolutionizing global logistics with sustainable Desiccants, championing a circular economy.


To revolutionize industry standards by transforming waste into opportunity, fostering a circular economy through innovative, sustainable, and eco-friendly desiccants solutions.


To pave the path for a sustainable future where economic growth and ecological responsibility coexist harmoniously, inspiring industries globally to choose regeneration over depletion.

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